The Pottery Expo at Warrandyte was instigated by local studio potter, Jane Annois in February 2001. It is now an annual event that showcases the work of selected studio ceramic artists. Each year a panel selects and invites about 90 exhibitors from around Australia, with international guest artists.

The Pottery Expo is based on the concept of the Marche de Potiers [Potters Markets] of France. These markets started slowly about 30 years ago in France to provide an opportunity for potters to gather to sell their work directly to the public. Their aim is to raise the standard of ceramic art, offer further opportunities for potters to make a living, build camaraderie and develop the interest and awareness of ceramic art to the wider public. It always went without saying, that the potters markets were held in the most beautiful of settings with an emphasis on fun, music and great food.
The Pottery Expo welcomes community participation and promotes educational opportunities in ceramics. In France, and now in Warrandyte for the last 25 years, the potters markets or Expo is held annually, supported by the municipality as a major cultural and tourist event.
The Pottery Expo is made possible and successful by the support of many organisations and individuals, in particular we wish to thank: Manningham City Council, Warrandyte Community Bank, Northcote Pottery Supplies and Warrandyte Lions Club; also the many volunteers without whom, the Expo could not be the well-organised, fun event that it is!